*Note: We are currently restructuring the Historical Plaque Program and are currently not accepting applications at this time.
Do you own a residential or commercial property of historic significance to Cannon Beach? If so, we invite you to participate in our Historical Plaque Program, aimed at highlighting historic structures within our community, and increasing public awareness of our historical heritage found in our buildings and sites. We also provide historical walking tours to the public, featuring locations that are part of the Historical Plaque Program, on busy summer weekends.
Eligibility: Historical plaques are awarded to both residential and commercial properties. To be eligible for an historical plaque, a building must meet all of the following criteria:
In addition, special consideration will be given to structures which:
Application: If your property meets the criteria, we invite you to complete an application form. The application form includes the following information: name and address of the building; name and address of property owner and applicant (if not the same individual); date structure was built; historical significance; name of architect and/or builder (if known); original or historic use and owner; subsequent or current use and subsequent owners. Applicants are requested to include any background research, as well as a photo of the current structure and a photo of the historical structure (if available). This information will be kept in the Historical Society’s files for research purposes. When you have completed the form, please return it to the Cannon Beach History Center and Museum: by mail to P.O. Box 1005, Cannon Beach, OR 97110, or drop in at the History Center, Wednesday through Monday 11am – 4pm: 1387 South Spruce Street.
Review/Selection: Requests for historical plaques are submitted on the application form to the Historical Society and reviewed at the next available Board meeting by the entire Board of Directors, who will also determine the wording for the plaque. The applicant will be notified of the Board’s decision, and, if the plaque application is rejected, the reasons why the structure did not meet eligibility criteria. In the case of commercial properties, CBHCM may be required to obtain a sign variance in the applicant’s name from the City of Cannon Beach. Commercial properties have limitations in terms of the number of signs allowed on their exterior. Residential properties are not subject to these limitations and would not require a permit from the City to place the sign.
Ordering: Once the request has been approved by the Board, and any variances have been obtained (if applicable), and the applicant has been notified and submitted the fee for the plaque, CBHCM staff will place an order with the sign supplier . When the plaque is completed, staff will contact the applicant and provide them with the completed plaque to place on their property.