The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Cannon Beach – Artists & Artisans 1960-1985 by Rainmar Bartl




“In the mid-1960s, Cannon Beach was a small coastal community whose character was in transition. The harvesting of timber to the east of town was almost complete. Tourism was changing. The Natatorium was closed. Skating and bowling were fading amusements. A walk down Hemlock Street at the end of summer would have found an empty street and many tired buildings.
The quiet streets, the empty store fronts, the cheap housing provided an ideal setting for a group of artists hoping to give form to some of the ideals of what is now referred to as the 60’s. It was locale which provided a step away from the mainstream culture into a place dominated by a powerful natural presence. A place where emphasis could be placed on personal expression in the context of a small community which was interested in the shape that expression would take.
At the same time, progressive members of the town, in conjunction with  Portland State University, were successful in inaugurating Haystack Program of the Arts. Visual arts, music, performing arts and education aligned to nurture one another. Enthusiasm carried the day and spilled over into the local cafes, taverns and coffee houses.”

Cannon Beach Collects Cannon Beach
1995 Cannon Beach Arts Association Exhibition

Rainmar Bartl is a longtime Cannon Beach resident.