This documentary follows the efforts to protect the Oregon Coast line from private development. It starts with the efforts of Governor Oswald West (199 – 1915) by making the sandy shore public highway, “I drafted a simple short bill declaring the seashore from the Washington line to the California line a public highway.” In the 60’s this issue came to a head when a Cannon Beach hotel owner decided to block of certain areas of the beach. The confusion was over the high-tide line, vegetation line, and the sandy shores. Governor Tom McCall flew, by helicopter, to Cannon Beach. Another part of the Oregon Coast line was also being threatened by development, so in 1967 McCall pushed the Beach Bill. Dr. Bob Bacon, President of Citizens To Save Oregon Beaches says this of the documentary, “The battle to preserve Oregon’s beaches for public use heated up and citizens all over the state became passionately involved in the conflict. There were personal threats, smoke filled rooms, phone taps, job threats and plenty of political jockeying. Tom Olsen, Jr. has created a remarkable documentary of the historic political events leading up to and culminating in House bill 1601. He weaves a fascinating and well balanced story of the conflict and its resolution in 1967.”
A film by Tom Olsen, Jr. A Cannon Beach History Center production.